Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) lets you make voice calls over the Internet. You can use your computer, phone, or tablet to talk to anyone who has a VoIP device or app.


When you make a VoIP call, your device changes your voice into data that can travel over the Internet. This data is sent in small pieces called packets. These packets go through the Internet to the person you are calling. Their device changes the data back into your voice. They can hear you through their speaker or headphones.


VoIP uses different rules or protocols to make sure the voice packets get to the right place and in the right order. Some of these protocols are:


- Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) for sending and receiving voice packets

- Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) for setting up and ending calls

- Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP) for making the voice packets safe and private


VoIP also uses Quality of Service (QoS) to make sure voice calls have good sound quality and no delays or interruptions. QoS gives voice packets higher priority than other data on the Internet, so they can get to their destination faster and smoother.


Voice calling is a great way to communicate over the Internet. To get the best voice calling experience, you should know how VoIP works and how to use it properly.




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